Colorful and Explosive Aerogels: Dr. Alex Gash (#4)

In this second installment of our continuing series “The People Who Reinvented Aerogel”, Dr. Alex Gash from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory talks about the “Gash prep”, that is, the epoxide-assisted gelation of metal oxides. From colorful transition metal oxide aerogels including rust-colored iron oxide aerogels and canary-yellow samarium oxide aerogels to explosive aerogels made of thermite, learn how this exciting technology has expanded the range of possible aerogel compositions to the rest of the periodic table.

“Years ago people thought [aerogel] was an area that was, I wouldn’t say dead-ended but where a lot of things had been figured out. I disagree with that completely. There is a lot still to be learned here. There’s definitely going to be a future for these materials. It’s an exciting field. I encourage people to get into it.” – Dr. Alex Gash

Podcast #4 – Colorful and Explosive Aerogels: Dr. Alex Gash


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