UPDATE – Veritasium Viral Aerogel Video and Where to Buy Aerogel Samples

UPDATE: BuyAerogel.com and AerogelTechnologies.com are back online! If you are still having difficulty placing an order, you can email aerogeltechnologies@gmail.com and someone will help you.

Aerogel Technologies was recently featured in an awesome viral video about aerogels on YouTuber Derek Muller’s Veritasium channel.  Unfortunately, the millions-of-views-per-day popularity of the video crippled the Aerogel Tech and BuyAerogel.com servers for everybody looking for aerogel samples!  In the mean time, anyone interested in buying an aerogel sample can email aerogeltechnologies@gmail.com and someone will reach out to you when the servers are back up.  To make up for the epic fail, anybody who emails requesting a sample before June 2, 2019 will get a coupon for 10% off their order*. You can browse select aerogel sample products on the Aerogel Technologies Instagram and Twitter feeds @aerogeltech as well! #hugofdeath #wompwomp


*Except for cut-size-blankets, Enova products, or Bottled Sky artwork products.

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